We're glad your here!

Big Brothers of Mount Juliet is dedicated to helping needy families in West Wilson County. Our mission statement is:
NEVER let a person go without food or necessities in life and to help those who are simply unable to help themselves in difficult situations.

Big Brothers exists to give a hand up, not a hand out. We understand that sometimes bad things happen to good people, and in the spirit of helping our neighbors, we provide assistance all year long to those who are simply trying to get through what folks around here call "hard times."

Individuals, school faculty, churches, concerned citizens and organizations all over West Wilson County contact Big Brothers throughout the year regarding individuals and families who need assistance. When a family is experiencing short term difficulties with paying an electric bill, water bill, heating bill, sewer bill, rent, needing food for their family, medications, etc., we have a committee that will take the request, quickly evaluate it and make a decision on a case by case basis.

We are a 100% volunteer organization and anyone who has the heart to help others is invited to attend a meeting and become a member. There are no dues or fees associated with being a member of Big Brothers. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity and as such we depend entirely on donations from businesses, organizations and individuals and grants from corporate entities to fulfill our mission.

At Christmas, we provide Food Baskets to the needy and utilize over 100 volunteers from grandparents to members of local school and civic organizations to get the job done. This is a growing issue annually as the population of West Wilson County increases. We provide a Mothers Toy Store for parents that are out of work, illness in the family, and parents with several children living on low income by providing them with Christmas Toys for each child at no charge. Big Brothers tries to make sure “Santa” doesn’t miss a single child within our community.

Feel free to click on all the links and see what Big Brothers of Mt. Juliet is all about! And please join us on Facebook for news and updates on what we're doing in our community.

We extend an invitation to one and all to come and become a member at any stated meeting. Everyone is welcome!